Adjustment, correction and accounting of production, trade, works (services) on the common and simplified systems of taxation, reporting and its adjustment. One-off consultations and customer support in Kyiv, outsourcing and remotely, online, to businesses in Ukraine.
Registration, reorganization, liquidation of enterprises. Legal support and audit, analysis, drafting (development) of contracts, charters, orders and other documents, settlement of civil, economic, administrative disputes. Tax lawyer (lawyer). Information and consulting services and subscription.
Accounting and legal services for business support and maintenance
LegalHelp professionally provides accounting and legal services of an accountant, an auditor, a tax lawyer (advocate) in all spheres of economic activity (production, trade, work or services) throughout the territory of Ukraine, including in foreign trade activities (export, import).
Has experience in quality services in specific areas: construction, IT technologies, tourist and medical services, agricultural production.
Packages of accounting and legal services
In the LegalHelp arsenal of accounting and auditing is as complete as possible, a sufficient package of services is necessary from the definition, organization and implementation of accounting policies, management, personnel and analytical accounting settings, algorithms for calculating performance indicators in the accounting (synthetic) accounting registers, income, expenses , inventories, personnel, wages, tangible and intangible assets, fixed assets, settlement cash transactions, finished products, taxes and taxes, or sole the general or simplified taxation system, etc., the conduct and verification of the correctness of the formation of accounting documents and indicators of compulsory tax, financial, statistical reporting, calculations, declarations and - to help in the formation of primary documents of financial and economic activity, the implementation of settlement and cash operations, compilation and checking the correctness of completing the report before sending (submission) to the controlling bodies, responding to their requests and reports, maintaining inventories, audits, electrons on-site, office, scheduled, unscheduled outbound, non-departure inspections and representative offices on issues of accounting before the regulatory authorities, other participants in the relationship.
In the legal support arsenal, LegalHelp is as complete, as possible, of a sufficient package of services, starting with the preparation of draft registration documents (protocols, decisions, statutes, applications), drafting of contracts, orders, orders, provisions, and - to compiling applications (requirements, proposals, claims) , as well as preparation of answers to similar requests and requests, support of inspections, appeals against illegal decisions, actions or inactivity and possible court disputes in courts of general jurisdiction, administrative and commercial courts, their appellate and cassation instances.
Types of accounting and legal services, business support
- advises on accounting and legal support activities;
- Conducts Due Diligence projects, investment attractiveness
- provides legal support, foreign investment in Ukraine and protection against unlawful encumbrances;
- Detects, evaluates and disposes of risks
- Fix bugs of accounting
- selects tax systems;
- Develops, implements and maintains legitimate optimize and minimize tax burden schemes, as well as avoid other business risks
- conducts measures for the registration, reorganization, termination, liquidation of legal entities (private enterprise , limited liability company, public and private joint-stock company, subsidiaries, their separate structural subdivisions of representative offices and affiliates, associations of enterprises, parties, organizations, foundations, mass media) and individual entrepreneurs;
- Advice on Occupational Safety , Intellectual Property , Securities , Real Estate
- Develops your own charters , agreements , provisions , instructions , orders taking into account the specifics of the activity
- defines and configures accounting policies , ensures the correctness of primary and accounting , compulsory reporting
- selects and arranges staff accounting, defines professional levels and, according to psychological qualities , distributes functional responsibilities;
- Demonstrate your own work experience with documents and information in software
- finds ways to correctly reflect non-standard operations , and auxiliary production , order and sequencing direct and generic costs, costing products, etc.
- provides control over the correctness of the formation, completeness and timeliness of submitting mandatory reporting;
- Accompanied by checking controlling authorities , procedural steps law enforcement
- Helps in solving civilian , business , labor , corporate , land , credit , tax and other disputes;
- Challenges illegal decisions and other acts (wrongdoing, inappropriate action)
- Presents interests to government and local government for legal entities and individuals in courts their appeals and cassation authorities
- All types of advocacy
The list of legal and legal services LegalHelp for fares in the catalogs of the price lists for the relevant date - contains their current price and value.
Experience in servicing and supporting business activities
LegalHelp has its own Case experience in conducting a legal audit of business entities , detecting and fixing significant bugs in the organization, managing and protecting business Corporate , Termination , Elimination (Bankruptcy ) of legal entities ( joint stock, societies, private), their associations (corporations ) and structural subdivisions (separated - branches) and foreign representations.
Optimizing health care private property without registering VAT payers and without using billing transaction loggers .
Submitting documents, supporting verifications of controlling bodies for budget reimbursement of VAT , and a more realistic reimbursement of the full amount claimed. land relations have been found in the land relations during the moratorium. In tax disputes - recognition of illegal and cancellation of tax decision-making In bank disputes - contract recognition sureties , mortgages invalid , and a consumer credit consumer deceived.
Disputes over print media and online - refutation of inaccurate information . The Supreme Court of Ukraine has formed a judicial practice to comply with the LegalHelp Appeal for review of court decisions by lawyers. legal positions.
LegalHelp is over 10 years practice audit , keeping accounting Reporting , Tutorial and Scientific Financial disciplines and Legal Practice organization, support and business protection and advocacy.
Territory of Ukraine of accounting and legal services LegalHelp
Although Kyiv is the center for providing accounting and legal services, however, the distance is not an obstacle and does not affect the volumes, quality and timeliness of its receipt (online) in any settlements of Ukraine whose centers of areas are the cities: Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhya, Ivano- Frankivsk, Kropivnitsky, Lviv, Nikolaev, Odessa, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi as well as Lutsk (Volyn region), Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk region) and Uzhhorod (Transcarpathian region). LegalHelp does not provide services and does not operate in the occupied territories of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Translated from Ukrainian using Google translator
Appeal against tax notices, actions, and omissions
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