• 9:00 - 18:00


    Kiev, Novozabarskaya 2/6

Settlement of litigation, pre-trial and extrajudicial disputes

Залишити заявку

Protecting the rights and legitimate interests of any encroachment is by resolving disputes in the ways provided or admissible by the laws of Ukraine.

Extra-judicial, pre-trial and judicial procedures for resolving disputes

In the absence of appropriate agreements or refusal to satisfy complaints, claims, complaints (statements) in out-of-court or pre-trial settlement of the dispute - it is subject to court decision.

Civil, commercial and administrative jurisdiction of the courts, contractual jurisdiction

Depending on the person, the relationship between them, the grounds of the claim and the claims of the dispute are considered by the courts of general (civil) jurisdiction, commercial and administrative courts, and the decisions of these courts can be reviewed by their appellate and cassation instances, the Supreme Court. In special, separately stipulated cases, disputes shall be settled by an arbitral tribunal and international judicial authorities (contractual jurisdiction).

LegalHelp's experience in dispute resolution

LegalHelp professionals have a positive track record of identifying disputed relationships and giving them legal judgment on the likelihood of a dispute being resolved, and in the event of a violation of their rights or legitimate interests, adequately protect them by drafting all necessary documents (substantively and procedurally) and properly representing them, public authorities and local self-government, in courts of all instances.

LegalHelp's years of experience allow you to effectively and efficiently resolve labor, residential, family, hereditary, land, customs, corporate, copyright, tax, etc. in civil, commercial, administrative and administrative lawsuits.

LegalHelp's Legal Dispute Resolution Fee

Name of LegalHelp's Legal Dispute Resolution Services as of 01/01/2020

Cost of legal services.
The price is in UAH. from

Representation before state bodies and local self-government bodies, legal entities and individuals on disputed issues: 3000
1. Participation in the examination of objections to acts of inspection; 3000
2. Participation in the consideration of complaints regarding unlawful decisions of actions or omissions; 3000
3. Participation in the consideration of claims, complaints and other actions. 3000
Drawing up drafts of appeals: 1000
1. claims for non-performance, improper performance of contractual obligations; 1000
2. Complaints regarding completeness, completeness and quality of products. 1000
Representation in courts of general jurisdiction, administrative and commercial courts, their appellate and cassation instances in case of court disputes: 3000
1. Making statements on the merits and on procedural issues in the general, economic and administrative proceedings of simplified lawsuit, lawsuit, criminal separate proceedings and proceedings in cases of appealing the decisions of arbitral tribunals, contesting the decisions of international commercial arbitrations, granting permits for compulsions recovery of lost court proceedings: 500
1.1 Claims; 3000
1.1 Counter-claims; 3000
1.2 Statement of change of subject or cause of action; 500
1.3 Respond to the claim; 1000
1.4 Responses to responses; 1000
1.5 Objections to replies; 1000
1.6 Third party clarifications regarding claims or recall; 500
1.7 Rejection of the claimant; 500
1.8 Defendant's claim; 500
1.9 Peace Agreements of the Parties; 3000
1.10 Application for Review of Correspondence Decisions; 3000
1.11 Statement of Reversal of the Arbitral Tribunal's Decision; 3000
1.12 Statement of Cancellation of International Commercial Arbitration; 3000
1.13 Statement of Recognition and Authorization for the Execution of the Decision of International Commercial Arbitration; 3000
1.14 Statement of Recognition and Authorization for the Voluntary Execution of the Decision of International Commercial Arbitration for Collection of Funds; 3000
1.15 Application for permission to enforce a decision of a foreign court; 1000
1.16 Request for recognition of a decision of a foreign court, which is not enforceable; 1000
1.17. Objections to the application for recognition of a decision of a foreign court which is not enforceable; 1000
1.18 Application for the Enforcement Letter for Enforcement of the Decision of the Arbitral Tribunal; 1000
1.19 Statement of reinstatement of lost court proceedings 1000
1.20 Statement of correction of an error made in the execution or issuance of an executive document 500
1.21 Statement of Recognition of Enforcement Document Non-Executionable 1000
1.22 Statement of renewal of a missed deadline for presentation of an executive document 1000
1.23 Statement of refusal of enforcer to enforce the decision 500
1.24 Statement of postponement or postponement of execution of the decision 1000
1.25 Statement on the establishment or modification of the manner or procedure of execution of the decision 1000
1.26 Statement of Recovery of Funds Owned by the Debt Debtor 500
1.27 Statement of seizure of funds held in accounts (deposits) or deposited with banks, other financial institutions and belonging to the person who has a debt to the debtor 500
1.28 Application for cancellation of temporary restriction of an individual in the right of departure outside Ukraine 1000
1.29 Statement of replacement of the party by his successor 500
1.30 Statement of Determination of the Debtor's Property in the Property He Owns Shared with Other Persons 1000
1.31 Appeals against judgments, rulings and orders of the court of first instance 3000
1.32 Appeal appeals 1000
1.33 Joining appeals 1000
1.34 Additions, amendments to, or withdrawal of, appeals 1000
1.35. Appeal appeals against decisions, decisions after their review on appeal 3000
1.36 Application for Suspension of the Contested Decision or Suspension of the Court of Appeal pending the end of the cassation review 1000
1.37 Appeal from cassation complaint 1000
1.38 Joining the appeal 1000
1.39 Statement of rotation of the decision 1000
1.40. Statement of review of court decisions in newly discovered or exceptional circumstances 3000
1.41 Complaints of Infringement of Right or Freedom by the Decision, Action or Inaction of the Executor During the Execution of the Judgment 1000
1.42 Statement of Rejection of a Judge, Registrar, Expert, Specialist, Translator 500
1.43 Request for examination, including commission, comprehensive, supplementary and re-examination 1000
1.44 Motion for renewal and extension of procedural time limits 1000
1.45 Request for the summoning and questioning of a witness, expert, specialist, translator 500
1.46 Request for a review and review of evidence by location 500
1.47 Motion for Review of Perishable Material Evidence 500
1.48 Statement of Court Review of Website (Page), Other Places of Internet Data Storage to Establish and Record Content 500
1.49 Appeal to bring in a specialist to browse the website (page), other places for storing data on the Internet in order to establish and capture their content 500
1.50 Comments on inaccuracies or incompleteness of the content in the protocol of committing a separate procedural action 500
1.51 Request for the Return of Originals of Written Evidence for Judgment to Take Effect 500
1.52 Request for the return of physical evidence after examination and examination 500
1.53 Statement of Return of Material Media that Contains the Original Electronic Proof after Investigation 500
1.54 Statement of Claim: 1000
1.54.1 seizure of property and (or) cash 1000
1.54.2 the prohibition to take certain actions 1000
1.54.3 the obligation to take certain actions 1000
1.54.4 prohibiting other persons from taking action on the subject-matter or making payments, or transferring property to the defendant or fulfilling other obligations thereon 1000
1.54.5 suspension of the sale of the seized property, if a claim is made for the recognition of the ownership of the property and the seizure from it 1000
1.54.6 suspension of foreclosure on the basis of an enforcement document, which is being challenged by the debtor in court 1000
1.54.7 the transfer of the subject matter of the dispute for storage to other persons of no interest as a result of the settlement of the dispute 1000
1.54.8 suspension of customs clearance of goods or items 1000
1.54.9 seizure of a seagoing ship to secure a seafarer's claim 3000
1.54.10 other measures necessary to ensure effective protection or restoration of the violated or disputed rights and interests, if such protection or restoration is not provided by the measures mentioned above 1000
1.55 Statement of Replacement of One Measure of Securing Another 1000
1.56 Statement of Assurance 1000
1.57 Statement of Demand for Evidence 1000
1.58 Statement of Application of Procedural Coercion Measures to Participants in the Trial and Other Persons Present at the Court 500
1.58.1 warning 500
1.58.2 removal from the courtroom 500
1.58.3 temporary seizure of evidence for trial 500
1.58.4 the witness's occasion 500
1.58.5 Collection of fine 500
1.59 Statement of Unification, Separation of Claims 1000
1.60 Application for exemption in whole or in part, or for deferral or deferral of costs 1000
1.61 Motion for Reduction of the Cost of Attorney's Legal Assistance to be Distributed between the Parties Due to their Disparity 1000
1.62 Notices of court about change of place of residence (stay, stay), work, service. 300
1.63 Court notifications of valid reasons for failure to appear in court 300
1.64 Court notices of the reasons for not appearing in court 500
1.65 Application to hear the case without the participation of a party 300
1.66 applications for additional decision 500
1.67 statements about the correction of the note made in the court decision, obvious arithmetical errors 500
1.67.1 applications for clarification of the court decision 500
1.67.2 assistance in the settlement of civil, economic, labor, corporate, land, credit, tax and other disputes 3000
1.67.3 recognition as illegal and cancellation of tax notices-decisions as individual acts of the subject of authority 3000
1.67.4 визнання незаконними рішень органів державної влади та місцевого самоврядування 3000
1.67.5 invalidation of credit agreements 3000
1.67.6 invalidation of contracts concluded as a result of error or deception, imaginary and fraudulent agreements 3000
1.67.7 invalidation of contracts for ensuring fulfillment of obligations (sureties, mortgages) 3000
1.67.8 the invalidation of consumer contracts concluded as a result of unfair business practices 3000
1.67.9 refutation of untrue information on the Internet, print media, radio and television. 3000
1.67.10 Debt collection and damages 3000
1.67.11 Collection of penalties (penalties, penalties) 3000
Reparation 3000
- moral, caused by injury, other damage to the health or death of an individual 3000
- caused by the person in the exercise of his right to self-defense 3000
- caused by the adoption of the law on the termination of ownership of certain property 3000
- of the most urgent need 3000
- legal or natural person, caused by their employee or other person 3000
- by a state authority, an authority of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or a local government body 3000
- caused by an official or an official of a public authority, an authority of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or a local government body 3000
- by a state authority, an authority of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, or a local government body in the field of rulemaking 3000
- inflicted by unlawful decisions, acts or omissions of a body carrying out an investigative activity, a pre-trial investigation, a prosecutor's office or a court of a natural person who is a victim of a criminal offense 3000
- caused by a minor 3000
- caused by a minor 3000
- caused by a minor after attaining full civilian capacity 3000
- caused by several minors 3000
- caused by several minors 3000
- parents deprived of parental rights 3000
- caused by an incapacitated individual 3000
- caused by an individual whose civil capacity is limited 3000
- caused by an individual who was not aware of the significance of their actions and (or) could not manage them 3000
- caused by a source of increased danger 3000
- caused by the interaction of multiple sources of increased risk 3000
- nuclear 3000
- multi-tasked 3000
- which insured its civil liability 3000
- caused by injury or other damage to health 3000
- inflicted on the individual in the performance of contractual obligations 3000
- caused by injury or other damage to the health of a minor or minor 3000
- caused by the death of the victim 3000
Providing all types of advocacy 0

Translated from Ukrainian using Google translator

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