In the procedure of administrative appeal to the State Tax Administration, the request for payment of ERU arrears was canceled and withdrawn and the complaint was satisfied
Legal Trunk Specialist LegalHelp Roman Truskavetsky's Complaint The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (DFS) has decided to abolish the requirement to pay a single contribution to compulsory state social insurance (ESV) and to withdraw the liability from the responsible authority in the lower level. data of the information system of the body of income and fees and the integrated card of the payer in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.
More in detail with the arguments and the legal basis of the complaint in the publication Appeal from the claim for a lump sum payment on compulsory state social insurance (EUB)
Roman Truskavetsky
Translated from Ukrainian using Google translator
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Appeal from the claim for a lump sum payment on compulsory state social insurance (EUB)
The Complainant received a letter from the controlling body with a request for payment of debt (arrears) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the collection and accounting of a single contribut..