• 9:00 - 18:00


    Kiev, Novozabarskaya 2/6

Legal support and service activities

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Legal support and maintenance of activity of the enterprises in Kiev across Ukraine

is important for customers LegalHelp. They are maximally protected from unlawful business misconduct and, accordingly, from unjustified risks and negative consequences.

LegalHelp fully accompanies its clients in their activities, starting with the development of local documents: statutes, regulations, instructions, orders, orders, etc; drawing up minutes, offers (offers), contracts, requirements, acts, complaints, complaints, complaints, statements, letters, etc. before resolving disputes.

Price of legal services LegalHelp legal services and support activities

Name of legal services LegalHelp on legal support of activity at current tariffs, as of 01.01.2020

Cost of legal services.
The price is in UAH. from

Due Diligence (legal audit) of enterprises, investment attractiveness of projects


Checking for risks of activity


Activity risk assessment


Implementation of measures for avoiding and eliminating risks of activity


Development of legal schemes for optimization and minimization of tax burden


Implementation of legal schemes to optimize and minimize the tax burden


Legal support of activities, including foreign investments in Ukraine


Drafting of local regulatory documents


1. the statute;


2. a collective agreement;


3. provisions;


4. Instructions, including job descriptions.


Preparation of drafts of other documents:


1. a collective agreement;


2. employment agreements, contract with the manager;


3. orders on personnel issues: acceptance, transfer to another job, vacations, dismissal from work, bringing to disciplinary responsibility;


4. orders on the activities;


5. agreements on full or collective liability;


6. civil-law treaties with citizens;


7. previous, public and accession treaties.


Drafting of bids (offers to conclude a contract)


Conclusion of contracts (transactions) by separate types of obligations:


1. purchase and sale;


2. deliveries;


3. agricultural contracting;


4. mines (barter);


5. gifts (donations);


6. rents;


7. hire (rent, sublet):


7.1 real estate (buildings, structures, non-residential premises);


7.2 housing;


7.3 land plots;


7.4 vehicles;


8. leasing;


9. loans;


10. in a row:


10.1 household;


10.2 construction;


10.3 for design and search work;


10.4 to carry out research or development and technological works;


11. on the provision of services:


11.1 cargo transportation;


11.2 Carriage of passengers and luggage;


11.3 Transportation of mail;


11.4 charter (chartering);


11.5 freight forwarding;


11.6 Storage;


11.7 warehouse storage;


11.8 security;


11.9 insurance (co-insurance, reinsurance);


11.10 Power of Attorney;


11.11 commissions (sub-commissions);


11.12 property management;


11.13 loans;


11.14 Credit (Commercial Credit);


11.15 bank deposit;


11.16 bank account;


11.17 crediting the account;


11.18 conditional storage account (escrow);


11.19 factoring;


11.20 the license for the use of the object of intellectual property;


11.21 on the creation of custom and use of the object of intellectual property;


11.22 on the transfer of exclusive intellectual property rights;


11.23 commercial concession (sub-concession);


11.24 on joint activity;


11.25 Simple Society.


Drawing up multilateral, preliminary, mixed, suspensory and cancellation agreements


Drawing up a preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of agricultural land during the expropriation of the land


Drawing up contracts of emphitheusis, superficies and easements of land


Drawing up additional agreements to change the terms of the contracts or to terminate or terminate them


Preparation of agency and brokerage contracts for the purchase, alienation of real estate (houses, structures, apartments)


Drawing up drafts of appeals:


1. Statement, including the credit for mutual homogeneous requirements;


2. notices, including notices of intent to exercise the pre-emptive right to enter into a new lease of land (real estate);


3. requirements, including claims of the creditor in the order of art.530 of the Civil Code of Ukraine;


Legal advice in the field of labor protection, intellectual property, securities, real estate


Preparation of responses to the requests and requests of individuals, legal entities, law enforcement and controlling bodies


Representation before state bodies and local self-government bodies, legal and natural persons for asserting the rights and legal interests


Protection against unlawful encroachment


1. support of inspections of control bodies


2. support of procedural actions of law enforcement agencies


3. appeal against unlawful decisions, misconduct or wrongful inaction


Translated from Ukrainian using Google translator