Public topics
Preshwaid in court and fake lawyers
Відкрите звернення ГО «Правозахисне об’єднання українців в Україні» LegalHelp до Оболонського районного суду міста Києва (Лист №05/02-20 від 05.02.2020)Повідомлення про імітацію правосуддя в О..
Request for information
National Bar Association of Ukraine (NAAU)04070, Kyiv, str. Borisoglebskaya, 3rd, 2nd floorEDRPOU identification code: 38488439Information about communicationtel. (044) 272 1107official webs..
A statement about the denial of false information and the restoration of infringed rights
National Bar Association of Ukraine (NAAU)04070, Kyiv, str. Borisoglebskaya, 3rd, 2nd floorEDRPOU identification code: 38488439Information about communicationtel. (044) 272 1107official webs..
The first and only organization to eliminate the causes and conditions that create corruption
Ukraine is the first and the only organization in the world to clean up society from the priest, ie eliminate the causes and conditions that give rise to corruption! LegalHelp Excerpt from the stat..
Sergey PANNOCHKA, Pryveschik at Kozelets Branch of Nizhyn ODPI of GU of the State FFS in Chernihiv Oblast
In order to substantiate the conclusions of the unlawful understatement by the enterprise of the legitimate reduction of the value added tax liability (hereinafter VAT), to create a basis for the Nizh..
Recognition of the donation contract (charitable assistance) is invalid
Recognition of a donation agreement (charitable assistance) as invalid as an effective way of restoring rights violated by a privedyda, compensating for the damage caused and bringing the priests to j..
Appeal against tax notices, actions, and omissions
Legal Services LegalHelp Appeal against tax notices, actions, and omissionsadministratively and judicially in relation to unlawful:- accrual of taxes, fees, other mandatory payments to the bud..
The Single Social Contribution (ESA) is not a tribute, and FOPs are not serfs in their own country!
Unlawful claims for payment of debt (arrears) from SSC in the absence of income and obligations to pay wages or income equated to it Large-scale in Ukraine, the phenomenon of demanding control bodi..
Adjusting tax invoices, registering them, and reducing tax period from value added tax
From time to time, from payment to delivery of goods (works, services), the supplier and the buyer can agree to change the quantitative, qualitative and cost indicators of delivery, which lead..
Tax officers are not entitled to establish the nullity of transactions
Tax officers are not entitled to establish the nullity of transactions... The essence of the Act is to unreasonably attribute the taxpayer to the gross costs and tax credit for VAT in the tax account..