Accounting for agricultural producers (features)
The peculiarity of accounting for agricultural producers among other production is in general the inability to predict the cost of production (manufactured) products as a necessary indicator that participates in the calculation of costs of attracted resources and tax burden on the business entity.
The legislation, depending on compliance with certain conditions, provides for a general and simplified system of taxation of agricultural producers.
When applying the simplified taxation system, the farmer enjoys certain privileges, in particular from the payment of other taxes, fees and other mandatory payments to the budget and, accordingly, carries the risks of possible sanctions for illegal stay on the simplified taxation system, in particular - "If found by the appropriate controlling authority under the time of carrying out on-site documentary checks of the single tax payer of the fourth group of discrepancies in the tax (reporting) year or in previous periods, to such payer for such eriody charged taxes and fees the payment of which he was freed as a single tax payer fourth group and penalties (financial) penalties (fines). Such a taxpayer is obliged to proceed to the payment of taxes under the general tax system, starting from the following month after the month in which such violation is established. "
The specifics of accounting for the simplified taxation system is the dependence on:
the share of self-produced agricultural products in the composition of all goods, works and services of the economic entity;
percent of income from the sale of ornamental plants, wild animals and birds, fur and fur in the structure of all income;
production of excise goods;
availability of tax debt;
the timing and grounds for the formation of the agricultural commodity producer (merger, accession, transformation, division or separation).
Significant specificity of the single tax is also the requirements of accounting for the volumes of land use, depending on the legal status of land resources as the main asset in the activity of the agricultural producer (own and leased land not used by the taxpayer or provided to the taxpayer).
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