Adjusting tax invoices, registering them, and reducing tax period from value added tax
From time to time, from payment to delivery of goods (works, services), the supplier and the buyer can agree to change the quantitative, qualitative and cost indicators of delivery, which leads to an appropriate adjustment of tax invoices and tax credit indicators and liabilities from value added tax. (hereinafter referred to as "VAT") in the VAT tax returns of such VAT payers (paragraph 1 of item.192.1. of Article 192 of the Tax Code of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the CCU).
The adjustment of tax invoices is carried out by carrying out the calculation of adjustment to the tax invoice by the supplier and its registration in the Unified Register of tax invoices (hereinafter referred to as ERPN) (paragraph 2 of item.192.1. Article.192 of the Tax Code).
If the calculation of the adjustment reduces the compensation for the cost of goods (works, services), then the provider made the calculation of the adjustment to the tax invoice is sent to the buyer and submitted for registration to the ERPN by the buyer (paragraph 4 of item.192.1. Article.192 of the Tax Code).
The right to reduce the amount of VAT tax liability of the supplier arises only after registration in the ERPN of the calculation of the adjustment to the tax invoice (para. violation of registration deadline for ERPN:
1) according to the results of the tax period during which such recalculation was carried out on the condition of timely (15 days) registration in ERPN (paragraphs. "A".
2) according to the results of the tax period during which it was registered on condition of violation of the registration deadline in the ERPN (paragraph 5 of item 198.6 of Art.198 of the Tax Code).
That is, if the supplier (calculated, formed) on November 26 calculates the adjustment to the tax invoice registered by the buyer in ERPN on time (within 15 days or not later than December 11), then the supplier has the right to reduce the amount of VAT tax liabilities for the tax period. November, and in case of violation of the registration deadline at the ERPN (December 12 and later) - for the tax period not earlier than December.
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